This article provides a Notes on Gandhi–Irwin Pact and Aftermath! With the efforts of Dr. Jayakar and Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, Gandhi Irwin Pact was signed in 1931 by which all political prisoners were released and Congress agreed to withdraw civil disobedience movement, this paved way for the Congress to participate in Second Round-Table Conference, […]
Notes on Gandhi–Irwin Pact and Aftermath
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Notes on Indian Independence Act of 1947
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In this article we will discuss about the Indian Independence Act, 1947. Once the whole partition scheme was agreed by major political parties, stage was set for introducing Independence Bill in the House of Commons, which was introduced on July 4, 1947. This was the culmination of India’s struggle against colonialism and imperialism. It was […]
Virtue and Morality: Plato and Aristotle View’s
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Virtue and Morality in Greek Thought: According to Plato and Aristotle! Politics is primarily concerned with the political affairs and administrative system of the state. Its association with virtue, morality or ethics is not rated highly because many people do not regard politics or political science as a normative science. But the place of virtue […]