A method usually means the logical process or a systematic procedure used in discovering or demonstrating the truth. From a broader view, the scientific method also represents a particular attitude and a perspective to look at the world in order to obtain verifiable knowledge. It represents a philosophy, a theory and a programme to see the world in a definite, exact and precise manner.
Underlying the scientific method, there are certain assumptions:
(i) Know ability:
One can know man, group, society, institutions and the interrelations and processes operating among them.
(ii) Con-subjectivity:
We get impression or image of a thing or event almost similar through our senses like any other man.
(iii) Regularities:
There are regularities in the forces of Nature. One can find succession, association or interconnection between various events.
(iv) Man more or less enjoys freedom in understanding a phenomenon as true or false. The validity of this understanding cannot be demonstrated by scientific method.
(v) A scientist investigates factual or empirical truth, which is different from moral, spiritual or philosophical truth.
The form and contents of scientific truths change on availability of new facts. Some of the scholars regard these assumptions as values of science, but the word ‘value’ connotes subjectivity, choice or will which is not applicable in case of these assumptions. They are not ultimate, secret or subjective truths, but are merely instrumental in knowing the reality. By rejecting them or discarding the means, one cannot realise the end. These assumptions are objective and neutral in the sense that they do not influence the findings or conclusions.
Still, the scientists commonly believe in pursuing the truth. They do have certain values. As such, they have faith that the universe is cosmos and not a chaos. Various events, units, persons, and their behaviour can be subsumed under certain patterns. The aim of science is to discover these patterns. This work is done by science in open and public view. There are no secret processes, no predetermined diagnosis, no personal understanding and no bargaining. Everything is put before the public eye so that the whole world may see it and challenge its presentation.