During the Cold War period, it was viewed as an officially sanctioned belief system that claimed a monopoly of truth, making a spurious claim to be scientific. Conservative thinkers like Michael Oakeshott treat ideologies as elaborate systems of thought that orient politics towards abstract principles and goals and away from practical and historical circumstances. William […]
Political Ideology During the Cold War Period
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Notes on the Concept of ‘End of Ideology’
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The concept of ‘end of ideology’ debate implies that at the advanced stage of industrial growth, a country’s social-economic organisation is determined by the level of its development, and not by any political ideology. Edward Shils reported it as ‘The End of Ideology’.’ This has been argued on two occasions. The first occasion was in […]
Kinds and Forms of Political Culture (with 4 Political Systems)
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Political cultures have many forms. They can be based on several factors. A political culture can have many sub-political cultures. These sub-political cultures, in the context of specific political institutions and their processes, generate different political attitudes and values. When sub-political cultures dominate political culture, a political culture suffers crises after crises, as it has […]