Democracies should now venture to renovate themselves. It should learn to operate in the context of IT revolution, global village, and emergence of post-industrial societies, mass automation, nuclear families, concentration of wealth, energy and power. Man’s ideas on time, space, reason and causality have basically changed. It has been rightly observed that nation-states of the […]
Renovation of Political Democracy
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Political Analysis is Art As Well As Science – Justified
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Robert A. Dahl,” while discussing the nature of analysis, finds it both ‘art’ as well as ‘science. As an art, it is skill. Skill in political analysis can be acquired by practice, training and experience under the guidance of some skilled analyst. But skill in analysis is different from skill in practice of politics. As […]
Analysis: Conceptual Classification and Form of Analysis
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Social scientists have managed to keep their professions, at the level of witchcraft, magic and folklore.’ As the goal of making a scientific political theory has not been realised, it is advisable to deal with acceptable substitutes or ‘theorisation- in-practice’. These are analysis and explanation. Analysis: Conceptual Clarification: Analysis is logical examination of a problem […]