Broadly, analysis can be visualized in four forms: (i) Full analysis: All areas that are not susceptible to empirical research and theory fall under the purview of full analysis; (ii) Background analysis: All broader concepts, major constants, covering laws, conceptual frameworks etc. analysed before the actual conducting of inquiry belong to this category; (iii) Data […]
Forms, Levels and Kinds of Political Analysis
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What do you mean by the term Explanation?
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Explanation is different from ‘analysis’. It is closer to ‘theory’ than analysis. Theory stands on the solid foundation of explanation. However, analysis also seeks some explanatory law and moves towards theorisation. Explanation is the final stage of research. The goal of every scientific process is to arrive at an explanation of the phenomena under study. […]
What are the Logical Forms of Explanation?
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Explanation, in a narrow sense, is based on logic, which is study of the methods, and principles used distinguishing the valid from invalid reasoning. Besides sense-experience, every science is based also on the principles of logic or reason. Science involves the rules of reasoning or use of arguments. Arguments are sequences of sentences in which […]