There is a debate over proper relationship between explanation and prediction. One view regards them basically the same, while other view finds them fundamentally different. But there cannot be a valid prediction without having a proper explanation. Despite several hurdles, prediction remains the basic goal of social sciences. In a way, capacity to predict events […]
Relationship between Explanation and Prediction
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Scale Proposed for Measuring Human Rightism
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With the help of ten categories of Human Rights under the Declaration, a ‘scale’ can be proposed hypothetically to measure quantum or extent of protecting Human Rights in a culture or polity. These categories can be treated as variables also. The number of these categories can further be increased in the present context. Each proposed […]
5 Angles Through which we can see the States of Human Rights
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1. Sufficient and Adequate for Men: As far as ‘man and his family’ is concerned, the ideology of Human Rights appears sufficient and adequate. It takes all aspects of man as man in view and stands by him. It stops at human concerns, and does not attempt to propose restructuring state and UN systems. At […]