Robert A. Packenham observes that ‘political development’ has received varying attention at the hands of scholars. Upto 1965, it was treated as a ‘dependent’ variable. Political development, thus, was based on political modernisation (rationalisation, participation, and integration), and political democracy. Various approaches use it as: 1. A function mainly of the legal-formal apparatus of government, […]
Political Development as a Research Variable
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Understanding The Concept of Modernisation
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The concept of ‘modernisation’ is ambiguous, and needs to be explained again and again. It is transformation of societies from the old to the modern. C.E. Welch views it as ‘a process which involves rational utilisation of resources, which seek to establish a modern society.’ He identifies it as ‘any societal culture that allows individuals […]
Status of Power of Soul and Morality
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Often people claim to find highest power in soul or morality. But power is exercised only in empirical and material terms. Politics and society are this-worldly phenomena. One cannot be said to have power or prove his power simply on one’s readiness to disappear, to be killed or die out of long fasting or stop […]