Role of Authority: In point of fact all studies of government or the state are really examinations of the nature and working of political authority. No system of rule could survive long without exercising some measure of authority. To rule through power alone involves such a great expenditure of coercive resources as to be unsustainable. […]
Role and Limitations of Authority in Politics
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Legitimacy of Political System: Conceptual Explanation of Legitimacy
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Legitimacy is essential for the maintenance of any system of political rule. Attention has been given not only to the machinery through which it is maintained but also upon the circumstances in which the legitimacy of a regime is called into question. Authorities exercise rights, sanctions, and other immunities and privileges, not because ‘authority’ originates […]
Nature, Forms and Process of Legitimacy in Political System
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Legitimation does not increase the material interest of the subordinates or make the order or rule more ‘pleasant’. But it serves a need – to follow norms that conform, and do not conflict with their values. In the context of organisations, Etzioni writes that they set norms enforce rules and regulations which have to be […]