Almond has divided the seven functional requisites into two broad categories: (a) Inputs, and (b) Outputs. Both have functional sub-divisions in the following manner (see diagram). (a) Input Functions: (i) Political socialisation and recruitment (ii) Interest articulation (iii) Interest aggregation (iv) Political communication (b) Output Functions: (v) Rule-making (vi) Rule application (vii) Rule adjudication In […]
7 Functional Requisites of Political System according to Almond
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Developmental Approach of Political System: Objective and Concepts
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Almond (with Coleman) was not satisfied with his structural-functional approach as propounded in The Politics of the Developing Area, 1960. He found the concept of equilibrium, harmony or maintenance as static and conservative. The developing countries do not opt for the status quo, but seek change, even rapid and radical transformation of their societies. He […]
Probabilistic Theory of Political Systems: Expressed by Almond and Coleman
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Almond and Coleman have expressed the belief that their structural-functional approach, if studied empirically, can generate a probabilistic theory of political systems. It can tell a lot about them in a probable manner. It can explain their present operations, demarcate stage of development, and show path for future course of action. Use of formal logic […]