Scholars belonging to this school of thought are also known as positivists, behaviouralists, or factualists. They want to eliminate all values that are personal ‘preferences from the study of Political Science. The value-neutral political scientists want to study political events, activities, groups, and organisations in the way scientists study natural facts. They want to give […]
Consequences of Value-Neutralism to Develop Social Science
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Role of Values in Political Science: Study of Values
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The word ‘value’ is used in two but interrelated senses. In the first sense, it is used by political actors for desirable or undesirable things such as, democracy, justice, freedom, power, etc. Easton mostly uses it in this sense. In the second sense, it is a criterion or basis of evaluation which an individual, group […]
Policy Analysis on Fact, Value and Theory of Politics (With Diagram)
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Facts, values and theory are closely interrelated in the study of research of politics. They all make up the structure of political or policy analysis which itself is built of behaviouralism, scientific method, and scientific value relativism. A dynamic theory is based on that structure. A political actor or scholar analyses political decisioning or policy-making […]