Like facts and values, theory and facts also have a closer relationship. As in case of values, facts are the basic raw material of theory. Kant’s famous adage may be rephrased as, ‘fact without theory is blind theory without fact is empty’. In fact, there exists a continuous relationship between facts and theory, popularly known […]
Relationship between Fact and Theory Continuum (With Diagram)
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Scientific Value Relativism: Criticism of Scientific Value Relativism
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In scientific value relativism, the political scientist keeps his personal values separate from his study and does not permit them to influence it. He studies the problem, event, or phenomenon in a value-relative manner, or with reference to the stated values. While conducting a research or making investigation, one has to suspend his own ultimate […]
Neglect of Intangible Reality: Meaning, Forms and Its Characteristics
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Meaning: The goal of an academic discipline is to understand reality so that its knowledge may be used in the service of man and his universe.’ In the context of man, this reality appears in two broad forms: tangible and intangible. It may be observable or non-observable. Human and social sciences have so far been […]