The concept of ‘political technology’ contains seven clusters of variables and each cluster contains many variables or attributes: 1. Traits of Political Leader: In the cluster, the Personality of the Political Leader plays the key-role. Its traits can further be divided in two groups: (a) Knowledge of mass psychology, specialization in anticipating public responses, skill […]
7 Clusters of Political Technology – Discussed!
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Waste of Experience of Operating Democracies in Political Science
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After about 100 years of operating constitutional democracies, the rulers and the ruled regularly find themselves standing on the crossroads. Leaders, often times, lack the will and strategy to face critical situations. But the people have to pay a very heavy price for their leaders’ ignorance and follies. There exists a powerful consensus that liberal […]
What are the main Objectives of Political Engineering?
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Everywhere man stands and lives for certain goals and values. He needs to defend these values, human rights and the well being of his near and dear ones under a suitable form of governance. Every nation, religion, community, political party, or group claims to uphold them, but often fails to carry out its proclaimed mission. […]