Arguments against International Law: (1) International Law is a mere collection of Principles of Morality: Is International Law really a law or not, is a question that has raised a good deal of controversy in the literature of Political Science. Many arguments have been given against the International Law. Political thinkers argue that the International […]
Six Arguments against International Law
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9 Major Sources of International Law
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Some of the major sources of international law are as follows: (1) Roman Law: Roman law formed a complete and general code of dealings —the Jus gentium. Jus gentium was applied to the dealings of citizens belonging to different nations. From this general code most of the Continental Countries in Europe derived their legal principles. […]
8 Arguments in Favor of International Law
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Some of the arguments in favour of international law are as follows: (1) All the laws are not the commands of the sovereign but laws are also based on the customs of the people: Many political thinkers do not regard International Law as a law because it is not the command of a sovereign state. […]