There is a close relationship between law and public opinion. Laws, in Democracy, are deep-rooted in public opinion. In these days of Democracy the most important source of law is legislature, a body of people’s representatives. This body represents the public will. It is true, that the people do not frame the laws directly but […]
Relationship between Law and Public Opinion
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4 Theories of Punishment for the Smooth Running of Society
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Manu and Chanakya maintained that punishment is the basis of the state. Where there is no punishment, thieves and dacoits rule supreme there. In his well known book “Arthashastra”, Acharya Chanakya explains that if the king awards heavier punishment than justified, people rise in revolt against him and if the king is more lenient than […]
Top Six Kinds on Liberty – Explained!
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Liberty is of the following kinds: (1) Natural Liberty. (2) Civil Liberty. (3) Personal Liberty. (4) Political Liberty. (5) Economic Liberty. (6) National Liberty. (1) Natural Liberty: First or all, we have the concept of natural liberty which indicates unrestrained freedom to do whatever one likes. Professor R.N. Gilchrist calls it unscientific use of liberty. […]