Petras and Veltmeyer have dismissed the ‘inevitability bogey’. As both, a description of widespread, epoch-defining developments, and a prescription for action, globalisation has achieved a virtual hegemony, it is presented with an air of inevitability that disarms ominous apprehensions and prevents the thought of and action towards. In more just social and economic order. The […]
‘Inevitability Bogey’ Dismissed by Petras and Veltmeyer
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Inequality between Countries Due To Globalization
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Inequality between countries constitutes one of the principal bases of dominance and subordination in contemporary globalisation. Governments of subordinated countries have fewer opportunities for involvement and influence in global regulatory processes. One of the inescapable consequences of globalisation is a massive concentration of wealth and power in the remote bodies beyond the reach of political […]
Conceptual Clarification of Ideology of Different Systems
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An ideology is that set of ideas and beliefs which seeks to articulate the basic values of a group of people – what they cherish for themselves and for others. Ideologues are related to interests, but in a complex and uncertain manner. Ideologies demand partisanship, i.e., involvement in the struggle for power, and not mere […]