Terrorism is the most important phenomenon found today in a large number of Muslim and non-Muslim states. It broke out in the late 1980s and overshadowed the beginning of 21st century. Terrorism can be seen as a ‘theory’ of violence. But it is being practiced as an ‘ideology” of special war by many organisations and governments. Both are interrelated. But few know them fully.
A proper understanding of contemporary terrorism requires to know:
(a) Basic Tenets of Terrorism
(b) Evolution of Islamic Fundamentalism
(c) Sunni and Shia Fundamentalism;
(d) From Islamic Fundamentalism to Contemporary Terrorism;
(e) Theory of ‘Terror’;
(f) Making of Terrorism;
(g) Offshoots of Contemporary Terrorism; and
(h) Existential Challenges.
There are many sources and forms of terrorism. It may be Islamic, Christian, Jewish, Maoist, Hindu, Naxalite and so on. It may come out on grounds of religion, sub-religion or sect, ethnicity, colour, culture, or chauvinism. All have made their presence from time to time. But its most potent, prevalent and dangerous form today is Islamic or Jehadi terrorism.
It has appeared as the next and final phase of Islamic Fundamentalism. Islamic Fundamentalism stands for the adoption, restoration, and rejuvenation of Islam eliminating all pseudo-Islamic or non-Islamic governments, religions and cultures.
Terrorism is the next phase of Islamic Fundamentalism. A follower of Islam has to have full faith in many tenets of his religion. Those who want to lead the Muslims to war, revolution, rebellion or large-scale conversion make fervent use of these tenets as their weapons.
Some of the important tenets are given below:
1. Allah has very kindly made revelation, given commands and directions to the community at the appointed time and place.
2. These commands and directives were given by Allah to the Prophet or Messenger who declared them to be obeyed by all persons irrespective of time and place.
3. The Message delivered in form of the Holy Quran after its revelation to the Prophet is the last and final one. It can never be amended, revised or changed by any human being.
4. Allah or His Messenger in that revelation has authorised the believers to bring all others to that faith, by all means.
5. One can attain Bliss, Grace, Heaven or Divine Favour only when a follower himself acts on or compels others to accept and follow these teachings. He is assured of all pleasures here and hereafter.
6. Those who do not obey are liable to be punished by the followers of Islam or the Islamic courts or the rulers of the Islamic state.
7. Islam demands complete faith, total surrender and strict adherence to it in letter and spirit.
8. Islam claims to envelop all the followers of the world as its community, and does not permit any other institution like state, nation, constitution or creed to stand before or run parallel to it. It demands undivided loyalty to it.
9. The rest of the social, legal, political and ritual set up is also ordained to be the part of the Holy Quran. It has to be accepted by all irrespective of differences of race, caste, colour, social status, language and culture except slaves, non-believers, women and animals.
10. Islam literally means peace, but it permits the use of force or violence. In this respect, Prophet Mohammed has asked the followers to learn from his life and actions.
Thus, most of the tenets make up and generate the basic spirit of Islam. Islam being the best and the last revelation has to be adopted by mankind. A believer is authorised to pursue all peaceful and violent means and bring out the rule of Allah or the Holy Quran.
Critics of the Holy Book have no right to exist. All other laws and institutions are subordinate to the Islamic injunctions. With this spirit, the Muslims and their leaders have tried to spread Islam throughout the whole world. The ideology that prompts to realise them vigorously is known as ‘Islamic Fundamentalism’.