This article throws light upon the top eight features of comparative politics. Some of the features are: 1. Analytical and Empirical Research 2. Objective Study of Politics 3. Emphasis Upon the Study of Infra-Structure of Politics 4. Inter-Disciplinary Focus 5. Study of Political Processes in both Developed and Developing Countries 6. Horizontal and Vertical Comparisons […]
Top 8 Features of Comparative Politics | Political Systems
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21 Salient Features of the Swiss Constitution
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This article throws light upon the twenty-one salient features of the Swiss constitution after its revision in 1999. Some of the features are: 1. The Preamble 2. A Written, Enacted and Adopted Constitution 3. A Rigid Constitution 4. Bill of Rights 5. Social Goals 6. Purpose of the State 7. Democratic Republican Constitution 8. Direct […]
7 Features of the Swiss Federal Legislature
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This article throws light upon the seven salient features of the Swiss federal legislature. Some of the features are: 1. Supremacy of the Federal Parliament 2. Supremacy of Parliament Subject to Popular Will 3. Defined Powers 4. Equal Power of the Two Houses 5. Freedom of Speech in any Language and Others. Feature # 1. […]