After reading this article you will learn about Stoics:- 1. Origin and Meaning of Stoics 2. Political Philosophy of Stoics 3. Transition From Stoicism to Roman Political Ideas. Origin and Meaning of Stoics: The most representative and influential philosophical school of the five centuries from about 300 B.C. to A.D. 200 was Stoicism, and the […]
Stoics: Origin, Meaning, Political Philosophy and Ideas
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Political Ideas of Cicero: Natural Law, Equality and Idea of State
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This article throws light upon the three political ideas of Cicero. The political ideas are: 1. Natural Law 2. Concept of Natural Equality 3. Idea of State. Political Idea # 1. Natural Law: The body of Cicero’s political philosophy is composed of three related elements— a belief in natural law, natural equality and the state […]
Political Ideas of Polybius (Greek Historian)
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This article throws light upon the three political ideas of Polybius. The political ideas are: 1. Classification of Constitution 2. Causes of Political Change 3. Advantages of Mixed Constitution. Political Idea # 1. Classification of Constitution: Polybius has classified the constitutions or governments on the line set forty by Plato and Aristotle. Polybius has said […]