After reading this essay you will learn about the early and modernized liberalism. Early Liberalism: It is very difficult to ascertain the exact time of the origin of liberal political philosophy. Some thinkers hold the view that it originated in the Reformation Movement. But most of the thinkers agree that liberal political ideas were prominent […]
Essay on Early and Modernized Liberalism
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Contribution of Hobbes, Hume, Bentham and James Mill to the “Theory of Limited State”
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After reading this article you will learn about the Contribution of Hobbes, Hume, Bentham and James Mill to the “Theory of Limited State” 1. Thomas Hobbes on Limited State: Hobbes’s sovereign was no doubt endowed with absolute power. But he was extremely cautious about the reason and calculating power of the individual. The sovereignty had […]
Views of Adman Smith, Ricardo and JS Mill on the “Theory of Limited State:
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After reading this article you will learn about the views of various classical economists like Adman Smith, Ricardo and JS Mill to the utilitarian theory of limited states. Classical Economist # 1. Adam Smith (1723-1790): Two famous classical economists, from the standpoint of economics, supported utilitarianism along with limited state. Particularly Smith was pioneer in […]