After reading this article you will learn about the bio, life and political ideas of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Life of Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Johann Gottlieb Fichte was born in 1762 and died in 1814. He was a short-lived philosopher of Germany in whom German idealism found its fertile soil of growth. In the history of […]
Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Bio, Life and Political Ideas
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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Bio, Life and Political Ideas
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After reading this article you will learn about the bio, life and political ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Life and Works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born at Stuttgart on 27th August 1770. His father was a subordinate officer in the department of finance and Hegel himself grew up […]
Essay on English Idealism
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After reading this essay you will learn about the English idealism or Oxford idealism. Any analysis of idealism or idealist philosophy will remain incomplete without proper and elaborate mention of English idealism or what is also called Oxford idealism. The English idealists drew their inspiration from German idealists. But German idealists were not the single […]