After reading this article you will learn about the relationship among utilitarianism, idealism and democracy. It is generally believed by utilitarianism though not fully correct that both the state and society are fictitious organisations. Even the utilitarian philosophers did not hesitate to call the state a necessary evil. Because of this attitude of the utilitarians, […]
Essay on Views of Utilitarianism, Idealism and Democracy
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Age of Enlightenment: Definition, Rise and Contribution | Europe
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After reading this article you will learn about Enlightenment:- 1. Definition and Nature of Enlightenment 2. Rise of Enlightenment 3. Contributions to Political Theory. Definition and Nature of Enlightenment: Different scholars have defined enlightenment in their own ways. Let us start with the COD’s definition. There are two definitions in this dictionary. One is the […]
David Hume: Bio, Life and His Views
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After reading this article you will learn about the bio, life and views on David Hume on social contract. Life of David Hume: David Hume was born in 1711 and died in 1776. This year is famous in Western history. Adam Smiths. The American Declaration of Independence took place in 1776 and, finally, Bentham published […]