After reading this article you will learn about Herbert Spencer:- 1. Life of Herbert Spencer 2. Political Ideas of Herbert Spencer 3. Concluding Remarks. Life of Herbert Spencer: Herbert Spencer (born April 27, 1820) was an uncompromising advocate of extreme form of individualism. Though he was a nineteenth century thinker his arguments still create interest […]
Herbert Spencer: Bio, Life and Political Ideas
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Fabian Society: Establishment, Origin and Basis
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After reading this article you will learn about Fabian Society:- 1. Establishment of Fabian Society 2. Origin of Fabian Society 3. Basis. Establishment of Fabian Society: Only after a century of Industrial Revolution its undesirable and harmful consequences were so pervasive that almost all the people of the weaker sections came under these consequences. They […]
Notes on Fabian Socialism and Evolutionary Socialism
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This article provides notes on Fabian socialism and Evolutionary socialism. After a thorough analysis of the recorded history of the world Marx (1818-1883) and Engels arrived at the conclusion that the working class was always oppressed and exploited by the economically dominant class. They also said that since the interests of the two principal classes […]