After reading this article you will learn about the role of individual in development of society according to Marx and Engels. It is to be emphasized here that Marx and Engels had no intention to undermine the importance and role of individuals. The role of individuals envisaged by Marx and Engels must be viewed in […]
Role of Individual in Development of Society
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Base and Superstructure: Definition, Features and Active Role
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After reading this article you will learn about the Base and Superstructure:- 1. Definition of Base and Superstructure 2. Some Features of Basis and Superstructure 3. Interaction of Base and Superstructure 4. Active Role of Superstructure 5. Economic Determinism and Relative Autonomy of Superstructure. Definition of Base and Superstructure: A simple analysis of the productive […]
Conditions for Transition from Socialism to Communism
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After reading this article you will learn about the transition from socialism to communism. Stalin said in order to pave the way for a real transition to communism, at least three main preliminary conditions have to be satisfied. Briefly stated, these conditions are: (a) To raise production to the level where the needs of all […]