This article will help you to differentiate between Marxian socialism and Utopian socialism. There are a number of differences between the two forms of socialism. The socialism formulated by Marx and Engels is founded on materialistic conception of history whereas their Utopian predecessors wanted to build up a socialist society in an imaginary and impractical […]
Difference between Marxian Socialism and Utopian Socialism
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Essay on Revolution: Meaning, Inevitability and Sources
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After reading this article you will learn about Revolution:- 1. Meaning of Revolution 2. Inevitability of Revolution 3. Types 4. Sources. Meaning of Revolution: According to COD the term revolution means “complete change, turning upside down, great reversal of conditions, and fundamental reconstruction especially forcible substitution by subjects of new ruler on polity for the […]
Difference between Socialism and Communism
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This article will help you to differentiate between socialism and communism. In the first place, socialism coming out of the womb of capitalism bears the birthmarks of capitalism. The superstructure of socialist society will have some vestiges of capitalism. It is not possible for socialism at the outset of its emergence to eliminate everything of […]