After reading this article you will learn about Dictatorship of Proletariat (DP):- 1. Meaning and Implication of Dictatorship of Proletariat 2. Nature of the Concept of Dictatorship of Proletariat 3. Role in Establishing Socialism 4. Criticism. Meaning and Implication of Dictatorship of Proletariat: Lenin took up the issue of dictatorship of proletariat (henceforth DP) very […]
Dictatorship of Proletariat: Meaning, Implication and Nature | Lenin’s Theory
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Contribution of Lenin to the Development of Marxism
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After reading this article you will learn about the contribution of Lenin to the development of Marxism. As to the contribution of Lenin to the development of Marxism there are two distinct groups of thought one believes that Lenin amended the basic principles of Marx and Engels and, in certain cases, abandoned some principles to […]
Conflict between Lenin and Luxemburg
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After reading this article you will learn about the conflict between Lenin and Luxemburg. Though at the beginning there was a cordial relationship between Lenin and Luxemburg, this did not last long. A serious controversy between the two great Marxists surfaced on the issue of spontaneity. Luxemburg, after studying all the aspects of revolution, drew […]