After reading this article you will learn about the bio, life and political ideas of Marsilius of Padua. Life and Work of Marsilius of Padua: The defeat of Boniface brought about three definite tendencies towards the end of the medieval period—the secularisation of life, particularly politics, the rise of the bourgeoisie and the formation of […]
Marsilius of Padua: Bio, Life and Political Ideas | Medieval Thinker
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Relationship between State and Church during Medieval Period
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After reading this article you will learn about the relationship between state and church during medieval period. First we shall consider how St. Augustine (354-430) viewed the state and its relationship with the church. He believed that both the society and the state were created by God as a punitive and remedial institution. Originally men […]
Renaissance: Definition, Rise and Development
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After reading this article you will learn about Renaissance:- 1. Definition of Renaissance 2. Rise of Renaissance 3. Development 4. Political Theory. Definition of Renaissance: To define Renaissance in a brief and meaningful way is not an easy task and in spite of the problem we shall make an attempt to define it. Literally the […]