After reading this article you will learn about Machiavelli:- 1. History of Machiavelli 2. Life and Time of Machiavelli 3. Political Ideas. History of Machiavelli: Machiavelli was the first thinker who freed political science or theory from the clutches of religion and morality. He was not interested in high moral or religious principles. His main […]
Machiavelli: Bio, Life and Political Ideas | Modern Political Thought
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Thomas Hobbes: Bio, Life and Political Ideas
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After reading this article you will learn about the bio, life and political ideas of Thomas Hobbes. Life and Time of Thomas Hobbes: Recent biographers of Hobbes say that “Hobbes and fear were born twins.” He was born prematurely in 1588. On his birth there was the news of The Spanish Armada. There were also […]
Jean Jacques Rousseau: Bio, Life and Influence
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After reading this article you will learn about Jean Jacques Rousseau: 1. Life and Time of Jean Jacques Rousseau 2. Political Ideas of Jean Jacques Rousseau 3. Influence on Political Thought. Life and Time of Jean Jacques Rousseau: The Everyman’s edition of The Social Contract notes the following short life history of J. J. Rousseau […]