After reading this article you will learn about John Locke:- 1. Life of John Locke 2. Political Ideas of John Locke 3. Influence on Political Thought. Life of John Locke: John Locke was born in 1632 (44 years after the birth of Hobbes) in a well-established famous family and died in 1704. His father was […]
John Locke: Bio, Life and Political Ideas
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Rousseau is a Totalitarian Thinker – Justified !
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This article justifies that Rousseau is a Totalitarian Thinker. Rousseau is really a controversial person. He has been regarded by a good number of scholars as a great apostle of liberty or freedom. Simultaneously he has been depicted as a supporter of totalitarianism. These two terms are like pole apart. J. J. Talmon first draws […]
How is Marx Indebted to Rousseau?
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Get the answer of: How is Marx Indebted to Rousseau? In recent years, scholars have started to investigate the importance of Rousseau and have found that Marx is indebted to Rousseau in many respects. The thought- provoking work has been published by the renowned Italian Marxist Lucio Colletti. His From Rousseau to Lenin has recharged […]