The boards or commissions are of various types: 1. The Administrative Board 2. Advisory Board 3. Board Tied into Hierarchy 4. The Regulatory Commission 5. Bi-Partisan Boards. Type # 1. The Administrative Board: Where the board is the head of the department, it is known as administrative board, for example, the Railway Board; the Central […]
Types of Boards or Commissions | Public Administration
Board and Bureau Types of Organisation | Public Administration
After reading this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of board and bureau type of organisations. Advantages of Board Type: The board type is considered appropriate in the following cases: (i) Where the duties are of a quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial character; (ii) Where the duties call for the exercise of wide discretionary […]
Organization of Administrative Department in India | Public Administration
After reading this article you will learn about the organization of administrative department in India:- 1. Prime Minister 2. The Minister 3. Secretariat 4. Executive 5. Attached and Subordinate Offices. 1. Prime Minister: Prime Minister heads the Government which comprises many departments headed by Ministers. Generally speaking, the government consists of three types of ministers-ministers […]